Spinach- Will this leafy green do as much for you as it did for cartoon character Popeye? Perhaps.. but not because of the iron content it was once thought to have. Spinach provides an array of nutritional benefits as it's packed with carotenoids, antioxidants, vitamin K, coenzyme Q10, B vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, polyphenols, betaine and plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids. To name a few!
Read some of the disease prevention benefits these little green leaves pack:
- Cardiovascular disease including stroke and coronary artery disease
- Cancer including colon, lung, skin, oral, stomach, ovarian, prostate and breast cancer
- Age related macular degeneration (AMD) (a disease related to the eyes, usually in the elderly)
- Cataracts
Researchers believe it's the supply of vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and phytonutrients that help prevent age related issues such as cancers, eye health disorders or cognitive decline. So not only was Popeye strong.. he was pretty darn smart too! ;-)
Need more reasons to eat your spinach? Vitamin C, beta-carotene and a few other nutrients join together to prevent cholesterol from building up in the vessel walls. Folate, B6 and betaine lower serum levels of the amino acid homocysteine. It also contains potassium and magnesium. All in all what this means for you.. a happy heart!
In the recipe below I also included fresh oranges. The outside of an orange is called the peel and is made of two distinct parts. The zest or the 'orange part' and the pith or 'the white bitter interior'. I removed the zest of the orange but not the pith. I did this by taking a sharp knife and carefully slicing just under the zest at an angle to remove all the 'orange' of the peel. (Place the zest in your garbage disposal. You''ll instantly have a fresh citrus scent in your kitchen!) One of the main nutritional aspects of using these outer coverings is that they contain the phytonutrient herperidin. This flavanone has shown to decrease blood pressure, lower cholesterol and has strong anti-inflammatory properties. All of these items increase your cardiovascular health.
Check out my creation this morning. It was green. It looked yucky. But it tasted oh so delish! (you couldn't even taste the spinach) And based on the above information it seems to indicate your mom was right- eat your fruits and veggies. Try taking this smoothie to the office. It will certainly provoke immediate attention and conversation!
Spinach Smoothie
Serves 2
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt (plain would be more ideal if you are wanting to cut out sugars)
1 tsp+ vanilla flavoring
1 tsp flaxseed
1 tsp wheat germ
1 scoop orange whey protein
2 whole oranges roughly chopped, remove the zest but keep the pith remaining
2/3 cup water (or so)
Organic baby spinach- two to three handfuls (fill blender to 3/4 full appx)
5-6 ice cubes
*I also included a couple teaspoons magnesium powder. You can purchase this at your local natural and organic market/section. It provides tons of
Add all ingredients to a blender. Blend on high speed to liquify. Pour in a BIG cup and enjoy!
This made appx 36 oz. Waaay more than I could finish- super filling!