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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pom Power!

How many of you out there just adore pomegranates? Come on don't be shy..yell out ME ME!! For very good reason you should love this little guy! He's packed with all sorts of antioxidants that will punch out the competition. To name a few contenders in the ring this includes red wine, blueberry juice, green tea and cranberry juice. I know right.. amazing! Check out this graph that demonstrates it's superiority in the antioxidant fruit fight.
Antioxidants are like cops.. they will fight crime in your body. What crimes am I speaking of? I am speaking of the toll free radicals play on our health and well being. Free radicals are the bad guys. They are unstable molecules that can damage the cells in your body causing disease and increase the signs of aging (gasp!)

First let me show you all the ways Pom Wonderful makes it easy for us to enjoy these benefits. Below I have pictures of the Pom section at my local grocery. Pom Wonderful comes in all sorts of flavors such 100% Pomegranate Juice or a variety of options that are about 80/20 mix. Let your taste buds delight over Pom Blueberry or Pom Mango. Those are some of my favorites besides straight up 100% Pom on the rocks! It also comes in a array of other products such as Pomx Iced Coffee. I admit that was extremely yummy!

I have a tendency to drink this stuff right outta the bottle but it can also be useful and delightful in many recipes. Today I made a Pomegranate Blueberry Shake packed with protein and yep you guessed it--> antioxidants!! (blueberries also pack a kick of antioxidants)

Pomegranate Blueberry Power Shake

1/2 cup Pom Wonderful 100% Pomegranite Juice.
3 oz skim milk (that is just over 1/3 cup)
2 ice cubes
1/2 frozen banana
handful of frozen blueberries
1 TB almonds: ground
2 TB vanilla whey protein powder (that was about half a serving or scoop)
1/2 tsp honey

First I put whole almonds in the blender and ground them up. I have a selection on my blender called "grate".

Then I added all the other ingredients to the blender and pushed Blend!
Check out the little chunks of blueberry goodness in that glass!

It was delightfully refreshing!

Information and recipe adapted from  Pom Wonderful


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